Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hello, Parents!

I created this blog to share the joy and privilege of parenting with you. As a parent, you may sometimes feel like you are barely surviving. God wants you to thrive as a parent. When you thrive according to God's plan, your child thrives, flourishes, prospers, improves, and becomes the child God created within him or her.

Why is this blog called Parents2929?

According to Deuteronomy 29:29, God keeps some secrets of life to Himself. For example, He does not reveal when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth (Acts 1:7). The secret (or hidden) things of life are areas where we trust God even though we don't understand.

As we read this passage, we find that the revealed things belong to us, our children, and grandchildren. We have a responsibility to share these things with our family so each of us can live according to His will.

I am reminded of my responsibility to share the revealed Word of God as I think of places in the world where God's Word is not available. Some followers of Jesus have only a tiny portion of the Bible that they share with other believers. Christians in some parts of the world live in fear for their lives because they have a copy of God's Word. How blessed we are to have Scripture, the revealed things of God!

What are you doing to share God's revealed message with your family?

Does Scripture seem difficult to understand at times?

Believe me, I know that feeling.

I have learned to ask God to reveal to me what His Word means before I read the Bible. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said during His earthly ministry (John 14:26).

Before you read the Bible, pray and ask God to reveal what His Word means.

Secondly, as you read, ask six simple questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

For example, ask questions like: Who said what? Why did they say that? Where did this happen? What did God promise? How did God promise to do that? When did He promise to do it? Well, you get the picture...

In this case, you are simply observing what the Word of God says, without adding anything to it.

Later you may consider two more steps in finding God's revealed message. You may ask, "What does this mean? How does this apply to my life?" In future posts, I'll share some keys to answering these questions with assurance of finding the true meaning of God's message to you.

Parents, I want to leave you with these words of encouragement...

"For the Lord your God will bless you...and your joy will be complete." Deut. 16:15

May you experience complete joy as you teach your children the revealed things of God. May He bless you beyond all measure. I look forward to your input and questions related to parenting.

Let's enjoy the journey!


1 comment:

  1. Ruth...Great message. It is even more urgent these days for us to point our children toward Jesus in this very dark world. Thanks for your heart in sharing this message.
